An initial NO COST consultation to cover any questions and expectations for Ms. Recruitment Strategies, LLC, and the family will take place prior to entering the contract. This will be conducted in person or virtually on camera.
Suggested email templates or suggestions for email outreach with prospective college coaches.
With the package you will receive 3, 2-to-4-minute highlight videos. The video footage used for your athletes highlight film will be provided to us. This can be accomplished through providing the footage on a thumb drive, portable hard drive, SD card, or cloud service by link i.e. (Drop Box/google drive / iCloud etc.). NOTE: If you require film to be recorded by us, a schedule for your athlete will need to be provided. Please note there will be an additional fee charged due to us traveling to the various locations with in AZ.
A digital contact card that can be sent to coaches via email when you initiate contact (see sample below). This card will be included at the end or beginning of the highlight footage created by us.
Your athlete’s highlight videos will be uploaded and featured on our stand-alone YouTube channel (QR Code - left side after the sample cards) provided in this handout, along with a QR Code to our daughter’s YouTube page for your perusing. Prior to publishing on YouTube, a sample of the footage will be provided for the approval of the client.
Information provided on various other scholarships that are available for the family and athlete to apply for that could assist in bridging the cost gap that may not be covered by any scholarships that could be offered by a university.
· Included with the package Three - Five ea. 3 min [+/-] videos, a digital contact card, email templates or suggested wording, and focused strategy Zoom calls, phone calls/emails/text messages as need to obtain the best possible outcome. The video footage used for your athletes highlight film will be provided to us. This can be accomplished through providing the footage on a thumb drive, portable hard drive, SD card, or cloud service by link i.e. (Drop Box/google drive / iCloud etc.).
Turnaround time 3-7 days once the footage is received, dependent upon workload. Every attempt will be made to get it out sooner. Time permitting due to a very demanding full-time job.
We will only be volleyball-focused, and have chosen to keep a limited number of clients. This will ensure that our clients receive the attention required to see their process thru to the end and make it to a signing day.